by Mary Taylor

How to Get Yardi Software Training

Yardi training is easier than ever for your employees to access, thanks to Yardi’s “newish” on-demand centralized learning platform, Aspire. The recent name change from eLearning to Aspire reflects the significant platform and content updates created to better engage learners and remove common barriers to learning. The results include the following benefits for both management and employees when Aspire is used during the onboarding process and for ongoing training needs:

  • Faster employee onboarding, including software training, live instruction, and training in policies and procedures
  • Greater compliance due to increased employee competency with common tasks
  • Increased knowledge and retention over other eLearning platforms
  • Boosts in employee confidence relating to their individual job skills, resulting in improved performance
  • Availability of a multitude of skills for employees to add to their current depth of knowledge and the ability to develop new skills
  • Improved company culture due to continued learning and learning achievements by employees

Terri Dowen, senior vice president of sales for Yardi, summed up how Aspire can be a game-changer in the real estate property management space: “Aspire projects energy, forward focus, and confidence. When employees feel those emotions at work, they are positioned to gain career skills and make a difference in their organizations. That’s exactly what Aspire brings to our clients through its broad scope of features.”

What does Aspire offer?

To achieve the above benefits, the Aspire platform offers a multitude of features, including the following:

  • Accessible through any device with internet access
  • Learner accountability and reporting
  • Authoring and graphics editing
  • Conduct polls and surveys
  • Sign documents using eSign
  • File storage
  • Webinar/in-person training management
  • Supports SCORM, HTML, documents, audio, video, and images as well as other third-party courses
  • Link employee training data with human resources
  • Communication between management and employees
  • Library of pre-built tools and videos to reinforce employee learning
  • Ability to integrate internal training into the platform (in addition to the pre-built Yardi-specific training), which saves your HR team time and money during the onboarding process
  • Consolidates training programs and training program administration to one platform
  • Compliance courses including topics in safety, diversity, and harassment
  • Access to Yardi Aspire experts for consultation and training

In addition to the above features, the Aspire Catalog includes over 1,000 courses, as well as live training events, that are created and maintained by Yardi, and these courses and events can help your employees learn and then retain the knowledge that will not only make them better employees but also give them the skills and tools they need to feel confident and successful in their day-to-day tasks now and into the future.

Aspire has definitely set itself apart from other eLearning vehicles with the following three additional features that enhance staff development even more:

Simulations: Aspire offers employees actual step-by-step simulations—like reviewing and editing payables, for example—to help them learn, practice, and master processes and procedures they’ll use in their daily workflows before they do the actual work. Reading about a task is one thing, but actually practicing that task is on a whole other level, giving employees both confidence and proficiency in the tasks they’ll be performing regularly.

Knowledge assessments: Courses, including expert-led courses, specific to each employee’s responsibilities—with accompanying knowledge assessments—are also contained within Aspire. Since completed courses are tracked in Aspire for each employee, any newly mastered skills and completed courses are available for employee annual reviews. Aspire also recommends needed courses and content to help prevent any knowledge and skill gaps for each employee. Aspire automates recertification processes, due dates, notifications, and compliance reporting for all courses, allowing managers and supervisors to focus on other crucial tasks.

Mini certificates: Along with simulations and knowledge assessments, Aspire also offers mini certificates that prove mastery of course topics and completion of assessments, and these mini certificates can be printed or saved digitally for proof of completion when needed. Businesses can also create their own custom mini certificates within Aspire.

What if you need specific training?

REdirect consultants have a passion for learning and training. We have a dedicated development program to ensure our consultants are sharing knowledge and are always up-to-date on the latest software changes, releases, and new products. When you need specific software training for your users, our consultants can take the reins. After all, we could all use another Zoom training, right?

Jokes aside, our tailored training solutions might be just what you need to reenergize and reengage your employees. We offer virtual training for as many or as few learners as needed, and can answer your team’s specific questions as well as do real-time problem solving for their use cases. Of course, we hope to once again offer in-person training in the near future. For now, here are two options currently available for virtual training:

  • Specific Yardi training tailored to your firm and processes. This training option can be beneficial if you have numerous customizations that are unlikely to be reflected in the standard Aspire training.
  • Custom training content that reflects your firm’s specific processes and customizations. REdirect can create training material for your firm’s processes and customization that you can then house on Aspire, allowing you to establish your own content on the platform.

Your employees are arguably your greatest assets, and simplified and more productive employee onboarding, training, and continual improvement only increase the value of these critical aspects of your business success. Contact us to learn how Aspire can help your firm and your employees become the best that they can be.

Mary Taylor's Headshot

About the Author

Mary Taylor