Reporting Package & Delivery

Simplify Your Reporting Processes

By leveraging predefined rule sets, automation allows you to effortlessly run and collate comprehensive reports. These reports are generated with precision and consistency, ensuring that all necessary data is captured accurately.
Once the reports are created, our bot takes over, ensuring that each report reaches the appropriate recipients based on a pre-configured recipient directory. This eliminates the manual effort involved in report dissemination and reduces the risk of errors or delays.

Streamline Stakeholder Reporting with Robotic Process Automation Solutions

Our clients must run reports for various stakeholders (owners, investors, tenants, residents). In many cases, the needs of each stakeholder are different, and the delivery requirements often vary. It’s also common for the reports to come from various systems.

Using Robotic Process Automation (RPA), REdirect can automate this time-consuming and tedious task. Our automation can:
  • Run reports from multiple systems
  • Receive reports through a file share or email
  • Request reports from stragglers
  • Split reports for individuals
  • Collate reports into packets
  • Create and add a table of contents for large report packets
  • Deliver reports on a schedule
  • Save and publish reports to the file-sharing application
Focus on analyzing the insights from your data, rather than getting bogged down by the mechanics of report generation and distribution. Simplify your reporting processes with our innovative approach and take your business operations to the next level.

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