ESG Advisory

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Strategies for a More Sustainable Future

Unlock the value of your data intelligence and implement the right ESG technology.

ESG Strategies: The Future of Responsible Investing

The property industry contributes between 30% and 40% towards global carbon emissions. As a result, owners, operators, and investors in real estate have increasingly recognized the importance of integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into their overall strategies. As a leading provider of real estate technology consulting and support services, REdirect is at the forefront of leveraging technology to address sustainability challenges in the real estate and property management sectors.

Establishing, defining, and analyzing the ESG baselines can often be the biggest hurdle property companies face. At REdirect, we partner with some of the world’s leading ESG platforms to help clients achieve their ESG initiatives.

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REdirect’s ESG Advisory Services

Ensure ESG Compliance

Professionally managed service offerings to support property businesses on their journey to net zero. Constructing strategies and developing roadmaps to obtain ESG goals, ensure compliance with regulations, meet the evolving expectations of stakeholders, and attract tenants/investors.

Identify ESG Tools

Assessment of the tools needed to identify, close, and deliver successful and profitable ESG measuring, reporting, and benchmarking.

ESG Integrations

Platform integrations to enable different systems to communicate with one other, facilitating the exchange of data.

Implement ESG Solutions

Create, develop, synthesize, and implement technology solutions that are tailored to your businesses specific ESG needs.

ESG Reporting

Development of customized stakeholder reporting by setting performance indicators with the desired perimeters.

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