Leading real estate software for property managers, owners, developers, and investment managers.
Data-Driven, Efficient Operations
With Yardi, you can perform a wide variety of tasks to streamline your entire operation. Yardi helps you manage all your properties, simplifying the entire sales or rental process while streamlining communications. You can rent, lease, and sell properties using the software and monitor the progress of transactions. Your Yardi system can also process essential aspects of your business, such as resident screening, maintenance, utility billing, online resident applications, automatic listing distribution, automated screening, and even automated market-rate pricing updates. You can easily keep track of your expenses and receipts and access critical data for decision-making. Using Yardi can also simplify your payment processing. Your Yardi system offers in-depth data analysis to help you gain perspective on how your business is performing and what strategic decisions you could be making.
As members of Yardi's Independent Consultant Network since 2011, we have partnered with Yardi to enhance the software, including the design of Concierge and Online Leasing Products.