
Photo of MRI Reports You Can Use
May 2, 2014 8:37AM

MRI Reports You Can Use

One of the features that attracts companies to the MRI system is the more than 500 standard reports that are included with the product. Combine that with the many run-time options, and then add the ReportDesign tool, you wind up with a reporting powerhouse that’s tough to beat!

We’d like to give you a tour of some MRI reports that you may want to add to your processes and increase your return on your MRI investment. We have them listed by module. Some reports are familiar, some are lesser-known, some are easily confused, but are all worth a look!

Commercial Management - Revenue Forecast Report (MRI_REVFCST)

The Revenue Forecast Report is a Commercial Management report that will show Base Rental income for a rolling 12-months from the period input at run-time. This can be useful for a number of purposes like: budgeting, refinancing and owner/investor reporting. Using this report is much easier than trying to extrapolate the data from the Rent Roll. The report only uses Base Rent Categories (these are Income Categories in the INCH table that have a Report Type = B) when generating data. You will see these categories in a selection list on the report run-time screen.

Commercial Management - Expiration Listing (MRI_EXPLST)

Commercial Management has two standard expiration reports: The Lease Expiration Report (MRI_EXPIRE) and the Expiration Listing are frequently confused. MRI_EXPIRE is found in the Leasing Analysis folder and produces a bar graph report (which is not typically what you’re looking for). Expiration Listing (MRI_EXPLST) is found in the Reference folder and is usually the tool your leasing agents and brokers need! To get the most bang for your buck on this report, populate the Options information in the Lease view. In addition to showing you the annual rent, lease term, square footage and options, this report shows you the percentage of the total building that will become vacant if/when the tenant moves out. Run-time options allow you to look at either the near-term expirations or all expiration dates into the future.

Accounts Payable – Reconciliation Report (MRI_APREC) and Open Status Report (MRI_OPENSTAT)

Two critical Accounts Payable reports that work great together are the Reconciliation Report (MRI_APREC) and the Open Status Report (MRI_OPENSTAT). These reports are most useful at end-of-month when you are closing and reconciling Accounts Payable to General Ledger. The MRI_APREC report summarizes the activity that was journalized through your Accounts Payable Account in General Ledger. It starts with the Opening Balance, adds the Net of Invoices Entered/Expensed in the period accounts for Discounts, Checks Written and Checks Voided to arrive at the A/P Closing Balance. It then compares it to the G/L Closing Balance and reports any difference. Hopefully you’ll end up with zero each month, but if not, you can begin your troubleshooting to correct or explain the difference.

If you find that you need some details behind the Closing A/P Balance, then the Open Status Report (MRI_OPENSTAT) is the report you need. Often confused with MRI_OPENLIST (which tells you what invoices are open “now”), the Open Status Report goes back and figures out what invoices were open, regardless of expense period, at the end of the fiscal period you select at run-time (even if those invoices have since been paid or reversed). The grand total on this report should match your A/P Closing Balance for the corresponding period.

General Ledger – Financial Format Preview (MRI_FINFORPR)

Financial Formats increase the flexibility (as well as the complexity) of MRI’s financial reporting. Sometimes it can be difficult to see the details that make up the ranges and summaries found in a Financial Format. The Financial Format Preview report (MRI_FINFORPR – found in the GL Utility folder) is a great tool to see those details – right down to the accounts specified in Account Ranges or Account Groups within the report. This report can also be used to see the details in your CM Recovery Expense Pools!

General Ledger – YTD Comparative Income Statement with Variance Notes (MRI_VARNOTE)

Last, but certainly not least, we have the YTD Comparative Income Statement with Variance Notes (MRI_VARNOTE). When combined with one of your Financial Formats, this report displays YTD actual and budget values along with variances. When you right-click on a variance amount, you get a menu with Budget/Variance Notes. Selecting this item will open the Notes window where you can enter variance information. Re-run the report to display your notes on the report.

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