The Year In MRI 2017®

The Year In MRI 2017®

The Year In MRI 2017®

As a company, MRI continues to grow in leaps and bounds. It added 217 new clients in 2017, acquired six companies, and has demonstrated an impressive 15 consecutive quarters of net-positive growth. In addition, Mri’s already rock-solid partner network continues to strengthen and grow. Over the last year, we’ve compiled all the MRI intelligence you need to know to maximize your real estate tech ROI and exceed your goals year after year. In this eBook, you’ll find helpful insights on Mri’s next-generation functionality and features, top takeaways from Mri’s International User Conference, thoughts on where we’re headed in terms of automation and machine learning, and so much more.

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Their extensive background understanding of MRI and knowledge of the real estate industry allows them to really understand the user’s needs and requests.

Michael Allen – Director, MIS

Allied Properties REIT

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