by Faraz Memon

Finding the Right Real Estate Budgeting Tool


Thinking about adding a budgeting tool to your real estate software suite this year?

Well, you’re in luck! We’ve just updated our budgeting blog, “Budgeting & Forecasting in 2017-2018.” Originally published in August 2017, we took some time this spring to make sure it’s up-to-snuff—still relevant and helpful to you as you research this tool and evaluate whether it will add value to your company.

Our short answer is: yes, it will make a world of difference for you and your real estate company.

As you would imagine, this blog covers news and updates about the top budgeting and forecasting tools and features from Yardi, MRI, and Argus. So, if you didn’t have the chance to read our blog last year, are considering adding a budgeting tool, or are looking to better understand the one you’ve implemented, this blog is for you.
Faraz Memon's Headshot

About the Author

Faraz Memon

Faraz joined the REdirect team in 2009 to help grow the company. As a Principal, Faraz’s focus is on ensuring REdirect clients get the highest value for their real estate technology investments. His vision for each client is to fully leverage technology to streamline business …