by REdirect Consulting

Managing Investor Accounting and Communications

A recent email we sent out discussed a possible solution if you're struggling with investor communications. Read on below to find out how to increase accuracy and save time when creating Annual Investor Books, Investment Letters, and more!

At REdirect we understand how critical it is to have timely and accurate investor communications. A recent solution has emerged which helps firms manage both investor accounting data and dramatically reduce the time it takes to produce investor communications. This Investor Communications Platform will produce documents such as Quarterly and Annual Investor Books, Investment Letters, and other Investor Communications Documents.

xinnscreenshot22Some Key Features:

  • All data centrally located in single web-based location
  • Automatic assembly of investor documents using Office and PDF
  • Collaborate with multiple people & departments to compile content
  • Configurable approval workflow of every document produced
  • Secure data management for your existing Excel worksheets for waterfall calculations, paid/accrued interest payments, paydowns/transfers, commitments/contributions, etc.

xinnscreenshot2Key Success Factors:

  • Compliance improvements  
  • Increased accuracy and quality of Investor Portfolio Books
  • Substantial cost reductions in producing Investor Books 
  • Reduced time from point of request to delivery to client
  • Improved brand adoption, look and feel of document, and acceptance

This solution has shown an average investment payback of only 8 months and a 90% reduction in time spent on creating Investor Books. Contact me directly or click here to discuss how this solution can help you.


Liz Sheedy

REdirect Consulting

33 East 33rd Street, Suite 1206 | New York, NY  10016 646.202.1806 |  
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REdirect Consulting