Investment Management

Real Estate Investment Management That Puts You in Control of Your Data

Gain a more in-depth understanding of your real estate investment portfolio and enjoy stronger support through automated processes.

Automate the Lifecycle of Your Real Estate Investments

The investment lifecycle is often initiated by the broker group alongside their capital markets and underwriting teams, and then tracked through a CRM system or Excel. The investment accounting is typically handled with general ledger entries and Excel spreadsheets to track subledger activities. Finally, return calculations and reporting are handled in Excel and other manual processes. Today we have multiple opportunities to automate all of these processes.

The investment lifecycle is traditionally handled manually, with spreadsheets to calculate promotes, waterfalls, and the various side letters you may have with different investors. Dispositions and investor distributions are performed either with Accounts Payable standard processes or outside the system completely. However, this limits your ability to draw useful insights from each payable amount. Integrating these systems allows insight into the full process.

REdirect can help automate some or all of the investment lifecycle, allowing information to flow through every stage and providing investors with real-time, data-driven insights into their portfolios.

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Enhance Investor Reporting & Centralize Your Information

Investors are tired of waiting 45-60 days to understand how their assets are performing, or waiting until year end for return calculations. They want real-time asset performance reporting and fund performance reporting. 

There are multiple software offerings that provide comprehensive investor portals with asset performance, automated email reporting, dashboard reporting, return calculations, real-time updates, and more. Everything from underwriting and capital markets to acquisition and disposition can be handled through one cohesive system, or multiple integrated systems, providing for a fully automated process.

There are also automated ways to handle the investment accounting, including consolidated financials, automated calculation of elimination entries, waterfall and promote calculation capabilities, and the ability to integrate with AP and AR systems.

Support Diverse Structures & Mitigate Risks in Your Investment System(s)

Each real estate business is unique and uses a diverse range of processes and systems. We recognize what sets your business apart and offer bespoke solutions to suit your needs. 

Many organizations still store most of their information in outdated systems such as Excel and process it manually. However, this puts your data at a much higher risk of miscalculations due to human error. Automation mitigates this risk. REdirect’s system selection process can help identify software opportunities and process flow changes to automate your real estate investment management needs and priorities, offering the ability to support diverse structures and numerous complicated processes.

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Connecting Excel to Your MRI and Yardi Data

Pull live data into Excel & drill down to source transactions.

Their significant technical expertise is supplemented by extensive industry experience in real estate and accounting.

Rolla Eisner – Senior Managing Director

Newmark Knight Frank

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