Elana Price

Elana Price

Manager, Ad Hoc Consulting Services

Elana brings over 10 years of in-the-trenches property management and accounting experience. She has supported software at several real estate companies and has excelled at providing implementation, project management, training, and support services. Through her variety of roles in real estate companies she has gained insight from multiple viewpoints. Elana's unique perspective allows her to truly put herself in the clients' shoes and understand an organization's operational challenges. Elana's passion is to help clients leverage technology to streamline processes for maximum efficiency.

Elana Price

Articles from Elana

The REdirect consultants were responsive and constructive, often presenting us with several options that reflected not only a breadth of experience, but also an eagerness to engage in new research when it was required.

Travis Wobbekind – Director of Investor Relations

Robbins Electra

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